Saturday, May 11, 2013


I write the following because Daleen never would. As a matter of fact, she doesn’t know that I am writing this newsletter about her. It all started at a recent leadership retreat for Thirdway Church, where I was struck by the affirmation my wife was receiving for the role she has played over the past couple of years. It was then that I knew I had to share what Daleen has been doing to strengthen and extend the Body of Christ.

Thirdway Church began three years ago after several families moved into the Hamline-Midway neighborhood of St. Paul. The original vision for Thirdway centered around the University Avenue Corridor, a 10-mile stretch that links the downtowns of St. Paul and Minneapolis. University Avenue is built along the historic path that people took to get from the docks of the Mississippi River in St. Paul to the flour mills in Minneapolis. It has become one of the most diverse areas of the Twin Cities.
I recently sat down with the founding leader of Thirdway, Seth, to hear his thoughts on Daleen’s role and impact. As we started talking, he immediately mentioned that, although Thirdway had dreams and vision for the University Avenue Corridor, it had become stuck in how to move forward as a church. He saw Daleen as a person who came alongside him, and the community, to implement some foundational building blocks for a strong missional community. He saw her contribution in the following ways:

·        Covenant groups – Thirdway is a covenanted community, which means we have committed ourselves to pursuing God, one another and our neighborhood in a very intentional way. Daleen was the driving force in establishing covenant groups, where small groups of people gather to create more sustainable rhythms of life together. It is also through these groups that new people are assimilated into our community over a one-year process.

·        Mentoring – Daleen has poured herself over the past two years into a group of young women within Thirdway. She has also played a significant role helping individuals, couples and groups navigate difficult life decisions. According to Seth, she has become a motherly figure, who has brought care and stability that has lowered the sense of anxiety within Thirdway.

·        Creative space for spiritual formation – whether it be creative worship through dance, helping others to understand how they connect deeply with God, or by leading a Passover Seder meal, Daleen has brought a fresh perspective to spiritual formation. From what I have seen, she has been the most intentional force in helping members of Thirdway grow more deeply in their relationship with God.

·        Heart Team – for the past 15 months, Daleen has been one of four part-time staff people at Thirdway. She gives leadership to the Heart Team, which facilitates pastoral care, hospitality, and spiritual formation. When Thirdway started seeking someone for this role, I recommended Daleen because I knew she was a great fit for the job. As I have watched her lead this team, I realize that I was spot on in my assessment.

Our team’s mission is to walk alongside churches, leadership teams, and individuals, helping them to live out their calling. These churches are missionally-minded, intentional about creating sustainable rhythms of life together, and are embedded in local neighborhoods that are often antagonistic towards church. They are filled with young people in their 20’s and 30’s, and many times lack the financial and human resources of larger churches. In light of this, I’m realizing how invaluable it is to have people like Daleen on our team because I believe that the greatest asset our team has to offer is our staff themselves.